Education Station

What have you always wanted to learn?

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Posted by Tempeste

Welcome to the Education Station, a website that I have created to help people find resources about a myriad of educational topics. At the moment, I only have a few sections up, but this will change as I look for more links.

The following sections contain links to resources:

Science -- Astronomy
History -- American History
All the Foreign Languages under the Language tab

This site is mainly aimed at the self-educator who prefers to learn alone as a hobby. However, it could also probably be used to accent a homeschool program, or to help you review a certain area of your education before going back to college or taking a GED test.

In any case, I hope you enjoy its contents. Please feel free to leave comments on the various pages that are set up, and also feel free to let people know about the resources you have found about a particular topic. If I like the site, I will add it to the list and credit you for finding it. Just make sure that the site in question is free.